
28 11 2010

This week I will be what’s called a “juicer”

not this kind of juicer…

but I will be using my juicer endlessly.  Trying to get my body back on track after all that thanksgiving food.

I will be having green lemonade…

1 lemon, 1 apple, 1 head of romaine, celery, ginger, and kale

lots of carrot and beet juice….

I’m going to be eating a lot of tofu, tempeh, fruits, raw veggies, and nuts

I’ll be drinking lots of green tea, and water (NO COFFEE….this will be a struggle)

I wont have to worry about having enough carbs for workouts b/c they won’t be happening this week, if so it will most likely be just a walk because I might possible have a stress fracture in my left food 😦 IDK what is wrong but it HURTS!!!

Hopefully i’m just thinking its way worse than it is and I can just rest it this week and start workouts up again next week!

Here are a few pics that I took from being home….

Arnie and I hahaha

he didn't want to look at the camera lol

bundled up and ready to go for a run before eating....I could only go 3 miles b/c my foot started to hurt

it was really cold outside

so yummy

Green pepper

salad beast...tomato, avo, romaine, celery, scallion, green pepper, carrots...and more i just don't remember

I saw the new Denzel movie Unstoppable

this was sooooo good!! Let me tell ya though, I was so stinkin’ tense throughout the entire film!!  It took me a solid 30 minutes to calm down afterwards! haha….the movie was good but CHris Pine was also that fine :-)’ lol oh yeah, and Denzel did a great job as always.

I hope everyone has a great Monday!

3 more weeks left of undergrad coursework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  not that I’m counting 🙂